Vestry and Church Leadership Formation Retreats
Utilizing​​ psychological and theological resources, Trinitas Retreats offers retreats focused on church leadership. These retreats can be tailored to your specific community's needs, but generally focus on topics such as:
Improving Overall Communication
More Intentional Decision Making and Discernment
Team Building
Understanding the Needs of Your Community
Reframing Patterns of Communication to Focus on Joy
And others
Based on the Nurture Play Structure Model, participants learn how individual and communal needs can become destructive if left unaddressed. Through learning more about healthy balance and Radical Acceptance, church leaders can begin to move beyond a model of "right or wrong" and instead focus on increasing joy within their community.

Vestry and Church Leaderships can be held onsite or virtually. They are also customizable to your community's particular needs and interests.

If you are interested in working with Trinitas Retreats for your church leadership, please contact us.